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Incident hotline on 0800 80 70 60 (24 hour) INCIDENT HOTLINE: 0800 80 70 60 Letcombe Brook at Wantage river level LETCOMBE BROOK RIVER LEVEL

The Hanneys Flood Group

Like many villages, towns and cities in the UK, East and West Hanney were affected by flooding during 2007.

May and June were very wet months, many water courses were at maximum capacity, fields were very wet and they had a very low ability to absorb further rain. Very heavy rainfall fell in a very short period of time on the 20 July and this caused flooding in many areas of Oxfordshire.

Many residents feel that despite the very unusual weather there are actions that could have been taken to reduce the consequences of such events. The Hanneys flood group has been set up to improve the ability of our community to meet similar events in the future.

The Hanneys flood group consists of volunteers who are working for the benefit of the community. The group has members from the East Hanney and West Hanney Parish Council and Oxfordshire County Council. We are working very closely with the Environment Agency. Oxfordshire Highways, Local Landowners, Vale of White horse District Council Emergency Response Officer, and the Vale of White Horse District Council Land Drainage Engineer.

The group is open to all and if you would like to help please contact us.

If you have a drainage / flooding issue that you feel is not being addressed please let us know.

This website has been set up to provide a source of information and to show what actions are being taken and how they are progressing.

Group objectives

  1. Reduce the probability of flooding below 1 in 25 years for properties in East Hanney and West Hanney taking into account any effects on down stream properties, farmers and the environment

  2. Help residents of East and West Hanney should flooding occur

  3. Engage with local landowners and help where appropriate to improve drainage

  4. Inform and engage with local residents, Parish, District and County councils and other local flood groups

Make a donation online

Last updated on 28/02/2025 text


Letcombe Brook Project

Freshwater Habitats Trust

The Hanneys

East Hanney Parish Council

West Hanney Parish

Grove Green Flood Group

Future Flood Resilience Group

Guide to the Houses and Streets of The Hanneys

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