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Meetings & Events

Date: 09/08/2024    Time: 18:30 hrs
Venue: Contact or call 01235 868216; 0796 4144 109.
Details: The Hanneys Flood Group AGM

[Minutes]     [Accounts]     [Chairmans Pictorial Report]     [Chairmans Working Parties Report]     [Letcombe-Brook Project annual report]     [Website statistics]    
Date: 21/07/2023    Time: 18:30 hrs
Venue: The Malthouse, East Hanney
Details: The Hanneys Flood Group AGM
Meet at The Malthouse, East Hanney.

[Minutes]     [Accounts]     [Chairmans Pictorial Report]     [Chairmans Working Parties Report]     [Letcombe-Brook Project steering group meeting]     [Notes on flooding 31st March 2023]     [Website statistics]    
Date: 12/08/2022    Time: 18:30 hrs
Venue: Nightingale Cottage
Details: The Hanneys Flood Group AGM
Meet at Nightingale Cottage, Berry Lane, East Hanney.

[Minutes]     [Chairmans Report]     [Accounts]     [Chairmans Pictorial Report]     [Letcombe-Brook Project Report]     [Website statistics]    
Date: 19/07/2021    Time: 18:00 hrs
Venue: the Hanney Hut
Details: The Hanneys Flood Group AGM
Meet at the Hanney Hut. (Covid safe practices recommend bringing your own food and drink refreshments).

[Minutes]     [Accounts]     [Chairmans Pictorial Report]     [Letcombe-Brook Project Leaders Report]     [Website statistics]    
Date: 13/07/2020    Time: 20:00 hrs
Venue: Online via Zoom
Details: The Hanneys Flood Group AGM
AGM was held online using Zoom. Numbers were limited, so unfortunately only a small number could participate.
[Minutes]     [Working party summary]     [Review of activities]     [Accounts]     [Website statistics]     [Year in photographs]
Date: 29/06/2019    Time: 19:00 hrs to 20:30 hrs
Venue: East Hanney village green
Details: The Hanneys Flood Group AGM
We will combine this with a social event. There will be drinks available and anyone is welcome who wants to know more about the flood group as well as regular helpers.
[AGM NOTES]   [AGM MINUTES]   Photographs:   [Photo 1]   [Photo 2]
Date: 17/07/2017    Time: 19:30 hrs
Venue: Hanney War Memorial Hall
Details: Thames Water presentation
Thames Water will give a presentation about sewage and water supply issues. Please come along to find out more and ask questions.

Date: 26/06/2017    Time: 19:00 hrs to 20:30 hrs
Venue: East Hanney village green
Details: The Hanneys Flood Group AGM
We will combine this with a social event. There will be drinks available and anyone is welcome who wants to know more about the flood group as well as regular helpers.

Date: 25/07/2016    Time: 19:00 hrs to 21:00 hrs
Venue: Hanney War Memorial Hall
Details: Public viewing of planning applications
East Hanney Parish Council are providing a public viewing of the two planning applications recently submitted for 6x houses behind the Paddocks and 8x houses at Ploughley Farm.

Date: 30/06/2016    Time: 19:00 hrs to 20:30 hrs
Venue: East Hanney Green
Details: The Hanneys Flood Group AGM
We will combine this with a social event and Neighbourhood plan event. Wine and beer will be served. We need as many people to come along as possible, so even if you have not been involved in the flood group you are very welcome. Please bring along friends and neighbours.

Date: 13/06/2016    Time: 20:00hrs to 21:15hrs
Venue: Hanney War Memorial Hall, Olde Hanney Room
Details: Brainstorming
We have arranged to do a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats meeting. We will split into small teams and do some brainstorming which is required for the Neighbourhood plans. It should only take an hour and may be fun. It will be lead by someone who knows how to do this sort of thing.
Date: 24/05/2016    Time: 19:00hrs to 20:30hrs
Venue: On the Green at Dandridge Close, East Hanney
Details: Information Exchange event
We shall set up some display stands about flooding and sewage issues and hope to raise awareness plus get feedback as part of the development of the neighbourhood plan and encourage more participation to engage the new residents living on the East side of the A338. We shall be serving some suitable refreshments.
Date: 19th to 28th January 2016    Time: 14:30hrs to 19:00hrs
Venue: See below
Details: Oxford flood alleviation scheme
There are a number of events where information on this proposed scheme will be available. Each event is between 2:30 and 7pm and is at the following locations:

> 19 January Oxford Town Hall
> 20 January Abbey House, Abingdon
> 22 January South Oxfordshire Community Centre
> 27 January Kennington Village Hall
> 28 January West Oxford Community centre
Date: 09/08/2015    Time: 18:00hrs to 20:00hrs
Venue: East Hanney Green
Details: Information Exchange event
We shall set up some display stands about flooding and sewage issues and hope to raise awareness, get feedback as part of the development of the neighbourhood plan and encourage more participation. Please put this in your diary and come along with your neighbours. Dee and David Bromley are going to help but we also need help delivering some leaflets and setting up on the day.

Date: 20/07/2015    Time: 19:30 hrs
Venue: Hanney War Memorial Hall, Olde Hanney Room
Details: The Hanneys Flood Group AGM
We will present accounts, progress this year and plans for next year. Please come along and give your support.

Date: 16/05/2015    Time: 11:00 hrs till 16:00 hrs
Venue: Hanney War Memorial Hall
Details: Lindon Homes proposal exhibition
The East Hanney Parish have asked Linden Homes to present their proposals for the houses to the south of East Hanney to the village residents. Please come along during the day. This is an important development that affects us all.

Date: 17/04/2015    Time: 19:00 hrs
Venue: Hanney War Memorial Hall
Details: Flooding and sewage 10 year vision meeting
Workshop on developing a 10 year vision for flooding and sewage issues for both East and West Hanney. This is all part of the Neighbourhood development plans. Representatives from the Environment Agency, District Council, County Council, Thames Water and HR Wallingford will be present to help us develop ideas.

Date: 24/11/2014    Time: 20:15 hrs
Venue: Hanney War Memorial Hall
Details: Hanney local plan
Please come along to hear about how you can respond to the local plan on such issues as sewage water and the increased discharges into the Letcombe brook upstream of East Hanney and rainfall run off into the brooks. The local plan 2031 part 1 proposes 200 houses for East Hanney as well as 750 at Monks Farm in Grove plus 1500 at Crab Hill in Wantage.

Date: 31/10/2014    Time: 14:00 to 19:00 hrs
Venue: West Oxford Community Centre, Botley Road
Details: Oxfordshire Flood Protection Fair
At this event there will be a number of stands from organisations and companies. The Hanneys flood group will also have a stand which we will be sharing with the Grove flood Group. If you are coming along please drop in to say hello.

Date: 07/07/2014    Time: 19:30 hrs
Venue: Hanney War Memorial Hall, Olde Hanney Room
Details: The Hanneys Flood Group AGM
We shall be reviewing what we have done in the last year and discussing plans for the next year.

Date:17/06/2013    Time: 19:30 hrs
Venue: Hanney War Memorial Hall, Olde Hanney Room
Details: The Hanneys Flood Group AGM + social
We will review what we have done this year and give an indication of plans for the future. We shall give a summary of the report conducted by the Environment Agency on the Willow Walk flood alleviation scheme idea and tell you about the phosphate measurements plus many other things as well. To help support the community hall we have arranged that the bar will be open and will be selling draught Loose Cannon beer, as well as soft drinks and wine. We will provide some nibbles as well. We expect the AGM to take an hour so that gives some time after to be sociable at the Bar.
Date: 09/07/2012    Time: 19:30 hrs
Venue: Hanney War Memorial Hall, Olde Hanney Room
Details: The Hanneys Flood Group AGM
We shall be reviewing what we have done in the last year and discussing plans for the next year.
Date: 02/06/2012    Time: 13:00 hrs
Venue: Hanney playing fields
Details: Jubilee fete
Thanks to everyone who helped with the flood group presence. Particular thanks to Paul Aram for towing the trailer in the procession, Hilary and Nick for decorating it and providing the gazeebo, to Adam and Bernadette, Richard, Meurig and Jackie for manning the stand and to Dave Price for taking the trailer back. We had a number of new people sign up as occasional volunteers.

Date: 21/07/2011    Time: 19:30 hrs
Venue: Hanney War Memorial Hall, Olde Hanney Room
Details: The Hanneys Flood Group AGM
We shall review the years activities, review our accounts and discuss plans for the future.
Date: 13/04/2011    Time: 19:30 hrs
Venue: Hanney War Memorial Hall, Olde Hanney Room
Details: Environment Agency Flood Map meeting
Last year the Environment Agency published a map showing the extent of flooding around East and West Hanney during 2007. A number of us wrote to the EA about its accuracy. The EA and the Hanneys flood group have arranged a meeting to address this. Details are as follows:
"The Environment Agency are aware that a number of residents are concerned about the accuracy of our 2007 Flood Event outline in the East Hanney area. The Environment Agency are therefore holding an event where residents can come along and provide us with information on those areas which flooded in 2007. Please bring along any photographs and evidence you have. This information will then be considered alongside data we hold, and information from the Vale of White Horse District Council to update our 2007 Flood Event outline and therefore our Flood Map".

Date: 11/12/2010    Time: 20:00 hrs
Venue: The Black Horse, East Hanney
Details: Social drink and chat
There is no working session in December, so please come along for a social drink and chat.

Date: 09/10/2010    Time: 09:00 hrs
Venue: HR Wallingford, Howbery Park, Wallingford, OX10 8BA
Details: Self-help flood action groups - Information and knowledge exchange half-day workshop
We helped with this training event. Presentations were given about legal issues, environmental considerations, examples of flood alleviation schemes and hydrology measurements. The event was attended by about 35 people. It was reported that in the Thames West region there are now 45 active flood Groups!
Date: 07/06/2010    Time: 19:30 hrs
Venue: Hanney War Memorial Hall, Olde Hanney Room
Details: The Hanneys Flood Group - AGM
We shall review the years activities, review our accounts, elect a committee and discuss plans for the future.
Date: 27/03/2010    Time: 10:00 hrs
Venue: The Iron Bridge, East Hanney
Details: Meeting with wild flower expert
We have arranged to meet with Charles Flower from Carvers Hill Farm, who will be able to give us advice on what to do to reduce bank erosion and improve the variety of appropriate wild flowers along the bank . The meeting will be for 1 hour. Of course before we do anything we need approval from the EA conservation officer and land owners.

Date: 19/12/2009    Time: 20:00 hrs
Venue: The Black Horse, East Hanney
Details: Social drink and chat
There is no working session in December, so please come along for a social drink and chat.

Date: 13/05/2009    Time: 19:30 hrs
Venue: Hanney War Memorial Hall, Olde Hanney Room
Details: The Hanneys Flood Group - AGM
The meeting will be to discuss and agree a constitution and elect a management committee. If any one would like to volunteer to help on the committee or require paper copies of the proposed constitution, please contact Alan Miles (868578) or Stewart Scott (868503).    Go to constitution
Date: 16/03/2009    Time: 19:30 hrs
Venue: Hanney War Memorial Hall, Olde Hanney Room
Details: The Hanneys Flood Group - meeting No.4

Date: 12/11/2008    Time: 19:30 hrs
Venue: Hanney War Memorial Hall, Olde Hanney Room
Details: The Hanneys Flood Group - meeting No.3
Jonathan Simm, Technical Director at HR Wallingford Ltd, will be our guest speaker and will make a presentation entitled "Managing flood risk in a changing world".      [PRESENTATION]

Date: 07/10/2008    Time: 15:00 hrs to 20:00 hrs
Venue: Civic Hall, Wantage
Details: A flood fair is being held as part of a Thames Valley wide campaign to help promote awareness about flooding prevention. Anyone who has been affected by flooding, or is worried that their house or business may be at risk, will be able to pick up lots of advice ranging from how to reduce damage to their property to how to stay safe during a flood.    [PRESS RELEASE]

Date: 24/06/2008    Time: 19:00 hrs
Venue: Hanney War Memorial Hall, Old Hanney Room
Details: The Hanneys Flood Group - meeting No.2

Date: 23/06/2008    Time:
Venue: Wantage Sewage Treatment Works
Details: The Hanneys Flood Group report on a visit to Wantage Sewage Treatment Works.

Date: 22/05/2008    Time:
Venue: Letcombe Brook
Details: The Hanneys Flood Group draft report on the Environment Agency conservation officers visit to Letcombe Brook at East Hanney.

Date: 16/05/2008    Time: 19:00 hrs
Venue: Hanney War Memorial Hall
Details: The Reservoir Affected Parishes Group (RAP Group) have organized a public meeting in the form of a "Question Time". The Environment Agency ,Thames Water, leader of OCC and others will speak, and then answer any questions on the proposed reservoir.

Date: 24/04/2008    Time: 19:30 hrs
Venue: Hanney War Memorial Hall, Old Hanney Room
Details: The Hanneys Flood Group - meeting No.1

Date: 22/04/2008    Time:
Venue: Letcombe Brook
Details: Site visit to Letcombe brook between Wantage Sewage Treatment Works and Lower Mill, East Hanney

Date: 27/02/2008    Time: 19:30 hrs
Venue: Hanney War Memorial Hall
Details: Meeting arranged by East Hanney Parish Council to discuss work performed to date and to gauge interest in the formation of a local community group

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